Area of expertise
Teaching languages
Companies & Job Placement
Our mission is to create a global community of geeks determined to turn their passion for the latest technologies into a career opportunity, as main characters of an increasingly dynamic and competitive global data-driven scenario.
Do you want to become a Partner Company? Discover the advantages and opportunities reserved for you.
Are you an expanding company or an innovative start-up looking for digital talents? Bring a few star players inside your team to step successfully in the new Data economy.
Our geeks meet the highest training standards in specific areas. They are motivated and passionate about technology and will turn out to be the fundamental strategic resource you need to win the challenge of digital transformation.
Join the Company4Geeks partnership program.
Fill out the form reserved for companies to receive information.
Do you want to organize a tailor-made course for your employees?
Geeks Academy is an innovative startup established in accordance with art.4 paragraph 10 bis of DL 24 January 2015 n.3. Our training offer can be tailored based on your company’s needs and can benefit from the research and development tax credit.
Company4Geeks is an advanced vocational training program that will shape the future of your company. By funding at least four scholarships, you will get a 25% discount on each one.
Since February 2021, Geeks Academy has been recognized by Accredia to be compliant to standards ISO 9001:2015 IAF 37. This accreditation expresses the suitability to provide advanced training in Data Economy, training systems and software development.
Since February 2021, Geeks Academy has been recognized by Accredia to be compliant to standards ISO 9001:2015 IAF 37.
This accreditation expresses the suitability to provide advanced training in Data Economy, training systems and software development.
Partner companies
Blockchain: 4,9€ billion European investments by 2023
The value of the Cyber Security global market will be 300 billion in 2025.
13,4 million European Data Workers by 2028
Choose the right side of the Data Economy. Choose Geeks Academy!